About That North American Union…..

….it’s absolutely false.

What’s the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)? The precursor to the NAU, umm…no.

The SPP does exist, and its tri-national task forces continue to meet, but its members consider it a way for the United States, Canada, and Mexico to collaborate on issues such as customs, environmental and safety regulations, narcotics smuggling, and terrorism.

In other words, a commission in order to cooperate on cross-border issues. Nothing evil or sinister here.

What about this common currency, the Amero:

One of the vice chairs of the [Council on Foreign Relations] working group was a political science professor at American University and former Carter administration official named Robert Pastor. In 2001, Pastor had written a book arguing for greater economic integration between the three North American nations – and specifically discussed the possibility that the nations could jointly adopt an amero currency.

A former Carter administration official writes a book and serves on a CFR working group about greater economic ties between the US, Canada, and Mexico and talks about a common currency and people go apeshit. It was just an idea. Just because someone suggests a common currency between the NAFTA members doesn’t mean there is a plan to adopt one.

Finally, the NAFTA Superhighway:

The NAFTA Superhighway has a more complicated origin. One piece is a nonprofit organization, called the North America’s Supercorridor Coalition, or NASCO, dedicated to ensuring the efficiency and safety of some of the country’s major truck trade routes – a map from the organization’s website has shown up on NAU watchdog websites, erroneously labeled the blueprint for the NAFTA Superhighway. Another is a controversial toll highway that Texas is considering building to accommodate the sharp increase in freight traffic brought by NAFTA.

In other words, it doesn’t exist and there is no plan to build one.

To sum up the North American Union, it doesn’t exist outside of some books and the occasional think tank discussion. There is no plan to create one by the governments in North America.

Now can we start discussing the real issues affecting this country and can we start defending our liberty against real threats, instead of making up phony threats.

I’m one of the original co-founders of The Liberty Papers all the way back in 2005. Since then, I wound up doing this blogging thing professionally. Now I’m running the site now. You can find my other work at The Hayride.com and Rare. You can also find me over at the R Street Institute.